
PostSecret Holiday Story

PostSecret, a community art project where people share anonymous secrets on postcards, often experiences an influx of heartfelt and poignant submissions during the holiday season. These secrets range from heartwarming tales of kindness and generosity to poignant reflections on loneliness and loss during what’s supposed to be a festive time. The project serves as a reminder of the diverse emotions people experience during the holidays and fosters a sense of solidarity and understanding among its contributors and audience.

PostSecret Holiday Story

Dear PostSecret,

To the individual who feels regretful for informing their child that there is no Santa, I experienced a similar moment recently. My son penned a letter to Santa just last night, fervently wishing for a special present. However, I found it challenging to disclose to him that “Santa’s” recent back injury has hindered her ability to work as a waitress for the past two weeks. Moreover, with no child support for the past seven months, our accumulating bills are becoming overwhelming. The local charity mentioned that the application deadline has passed, making any specific assistance uncertain. My secret: I yearn for Santa Claus to be real, so that no child would ever have to face deprivation on Christmas, and no parent would grapple with the feeling of failing their child.
Warm regards,

Hello PostSecret,

I recently read the heartfelt response from the woman struggling to procure the “special present” for her son. While I understand I can’t fulfill every child’s wish, I would like to extend an offer to help buy that gift for her son. As a college student with limited finances, I may need to know what the gift is, but I don’t want her to feel despondent due to her injury. It would mean a great deal to me to bring smiles to the faces of two strangers on Christmas morning.
Thank you,

Hi Amber,

If you create a PayPal account, I would like to contribute to it and encourage others to do the same.
Best regards,


I’m incredibly grateful for your kind offer. I wasn’t anticipating any assistance, just aiming to let someone know they’re not alone. I’ve set up a PayPal account under this email address.
With gratitude,

Hi Amber,

Thank you for providing us with an avenue to help you create the Christmas every child deserves. I’ve just made a contribution and anticipate that others from the PostSecret community might follow suit.
Warm regards,

Hey Molly,

Please check the website again. You can make a difference.

Dear PostSecret,

I made a donation and the feeling of generosity it evoked surprised me. One doesn’t need to be affluent to experience the joy of giving.
Best regards,


Santa Claus is indeed alive and well. He resides within you and others like you across the globe. The love and kindness strangers have shown my family today overwhelms me. I never expected such an enormous response in such a short time. Not only will I be able to afford the present my son wished for, but also clothes and other essentials I’ve been postponing. I now have what I need, so please remove my PayPal account from PostSecret. I urge anyone willing to assist someone in need to reach out to their local charities. Thank you for making my wish a reality.
Warm regards,

[Excerpt from a series of social media posts later featured in ‘PostSecret The Show’.]

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a merry christmas

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